SEO & structured data

The platform content pages can be maintained on various SEO and various structured data related input. For this the SEO Yoast plugin is used in Wordpress. This allows to rewrite the SEO Title, URL slug and meta description. Apart from this the Social Media share data (OP Graph) can be setup for X (Twitter) and Facebook. The front-end also renders several structured types in a schema format. This data can be maintained for Pages and Blocks.



SEO data

Input for SEO related data

Schema data

Schema structured data describing the platform pages

Social OG graph

Input for data to use when a page is shared on social media

Maintaining this data for website content is done in Wordpress Each Page and Block has a SEO area where data can be setup, see orange boxed areas.

SEO data


  • Title

  • URL slug

  • Meta description

  • Canonical URL

  • Index / no-index

Schema data


  • Store (name, address, contact etc)

  • Reviews (company)

  • Logo

  • Organization name

Social OG Graph


  • Title

  • Type

  • Image

  • URL

Last updated