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Models are the data source of the product configurator. A model technically is a nested JSON file populated with nodes. The model is build with the Model Manager application. Models are maintained in the Model Manager. Models can also automatically be generated in code when connected to for instance an API of an ERP or PIM system. The Model Manager is part of the Business Manager.
Model Management
The model manager is used to maintain configurator models
Import Models
Import an exported model to move models between environments
Export Models
Export a model so it can be imported in another environment
Root Node Structure
The root node contains set up for dependencies, price buildups, value groups, contraints and upsells
Publish Model To Elastic
Elastic is the filesystem where configurations are stored. Publishing a model to elastic makes it available for the configurator front-end
Update Presets
Updating model changes to presets
Duplicate Model
Duplicating model with a new name
Models can be created, edited, deleted, imported and exported.
Below is an overview of relevant data to setup in the model manager. External Reference Used in the production data. Standardized Export Code & Value Optional data to be used in configuration processing for production.
Currency The currency for which prices in this model art setup. Base Price Price at the start of the configuration. Special Price Discounted price. In some platform features shown together with the strikethrough base price. Additional Items A JSON string that can be added which is saved along the configuration. This can be used for further processing towards production data systems. For instance to include additional required SKU’s or services.
Constraints Constraints can be used to link configurator option values. So for example if a red shoe lace is chosen, the logo should also be selected red.
Upsell A feature to enable for example an upsell pop-up when a specific node is not selected and the user clicks “add-to-cart”. The upsell is set based on a condition, trigger and an action.
Value Groups
This feature allows for nested option choices to be remembered when selecting a different parent option which has the same option available. So for example when you select a certain color of a logo print and you select a different logo which has the same color available, it remains in the same color.
Price Build-ups In case a price should be based on a combination fields, this feature can be used. So for example there are 3 fields for text input, the first costs 20 euro, the second 15 and the third 10 euro. If the user now just enters the third field it will not cost 10 euro but it will cost 20 euro as it’s the first field used in terms of the price buildup.