Personalization Actions
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Determine what needs to happen. There are many built-in standard actions available for personalizing prices, content, assortment, and webshop functions such as upselling, shipping and payment methods. The executed personalization actions should be selected and configured. Depending on the selected action, several child options can be configured. Actions can also be stacked with the + ADD ITEM and - options on the right side. This works on every “child level” in case applicable.
The possibilities of Go Eve personalization listed:
Add to Cart Automatically
Add to cart automatically allows for adding a product automatically to the cart with another product
Cart Message
A content bar shown above the cart
Cross Sells
Cross sell a certain (set of) product(s) upon adding another product to the cart
Various types of discounts ranging from product discount to cart discount and contact person (user) discount)
Package Personalization
Package personalization consists of setting package pricing, package group availability, package group override and package availability
Payment method Availability
This allows for assigning specific payment methods to rules
Preset Availability
Preset personalization consists of setting preset availability
Product Availability
Enable or disable certain products coming from Magento
Shipping Method Availability
Set the applicable shipping method(s) in the rule
Shipping Method Texts
Override the shown shipping method delivery info, if applicable in the project’s design and scope
Configurator Personalization
Override a model / preset with custom values in personalization