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Quotation is an optional feature in Go Eve. Magento by default has carts which are named quotes. In Go Eve a customized feature is added that allows for a cart to be converted into a saved quote which can be edited in a later stage. In a customer session there’s always just one active quote in the cart.
Quote Request
Customer can place a quote request which can be seen in a Magento quote overview
Quote Statuses and Processing
A quote can have several statuses which correspond to the state the quote is in the process. For example, saved, paid and expired
Quote Edit by Customer
Quoted can be edited by a customer when certain conditions are met like the period until when it can be edited and the status of the quote
A quote can be requested by performing a regular checkout and using the method “Pay later / Quote”. In case the system uses quotation as conversion method only, checkout can be configured to operate in quotation mode only. It doesn’t create an order but it upgrades the regular cart to a “converted” quote. This makes the quote show in the Magento overview and customers account. Quotes are shown on the same page as orders. Depending on implemented functionality and parameters, the quote can later on be edited or upgraded to an order by paying for the quote.
A quote can have several statuses:
Regular Magento Quote (cart)
Converted Quote (a quote that is requested by a customer)
Declined (declined quote by either customer or admin)
Expired (Optionally a quote can automatically expire at a given time)
Placed (an in between status between saved and paid so the checkout process knows the quote is being upgraded to an order)
Paid (a quote that is upgraded to an order by paying for it in checkout)
A quote can be edited by customers when the quote is open to edit. This means that is isn’t expired yet so it is within the set quote period.
In case a customer can edit a quote, an edit button is shown in the overview and quote detail page.