The platform support various product types
Simple product (regular product)
Simple product with options (options are variants without for example own image)
Configurable product (options are simple products on it’s own with own image)
Configuration product (3D configurator product)
Package Wrapper Product (specific product for bundled products in the business manager)
Open the section below to see which fields are by default available for products.
Platform Product Field Overview
Included by default in platform
Configurator render config (connection to 3D service)
Configurator model code (base model code to load)
Add to cart disabled (this can block adding to cart without having to set out of stock)
Advanced pricing → special price
Advanced pricing → special price from / to
Short description (shown in bottom area)
Description (shown in summary right of image section)
Configurations (used to setup a configurable product - connect simple products)
Images (one ore multiple)
Customizable options (for simple products with options)