Price Management and Calculation
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An advanced product configurator is capable of handling complex price calculations. This page describes the default capabilities of the Go Eve product configurator.
Base and Special Price
Starting and optional discount price of a model or preset
Tier Pricing
Price buckets for multiple quantities
Price Buildups
Shared pricing over multiple options
Price Matrix
Pricing per configurator option input, like a price per meter on the width of a product
Price Dependency
Define a specific price of an option in case another option is chosen
Market Pricing
Prices that apply to specif markets as in countries or specific dealer shops
Base Price The price of the option displayed as regular price.
Special Price The price override to be used as discounted price.
Tier pricing can be setup to set the price of an option, or model root price, base on the quantity in the cart. A quantity from and to can be set and the actual price of the option. Multiple tiers can be set.
Used on Upload and Text input fields. This value is the ID that is used in the price buildup logic on the root node. If a matching ID is found in the root node setup, the set pricing will be relevant. This can be used to add pricing for a shared group of options. So let’s say only 1 file upload costs a certain amount and the 2nd or more are for free. Then this can be setup like this:
The price matrix option can be set to set the option price based on a certain value input. For example if a price is to be based on a width input by the user, it can be set as following.
The example above shows that from the width of 1 to 10 (for example meters) the price of 10 euro is added for each meter. On top of that a 25 euro price is added in case a user changes the default value. So for example a 4 meter width value adds 4x 10 = 40 + 25 = 65 euro.
It is possible to define a price based on other options chosen during configuration. As an example a specific material color can cost an amount unless a luxury variant is chosen making the color material for free or discounted.
Market pricing is the overarching option to set all price related fields. A market is to be seen as a Magento website which can have its own URL and can be used for global selling or a dealershop concept.
In case of a multi website setup, the targeted market for the price setup can be set. In case of a single website setup, the * or specific website can be setup. * means it applies to all websites unless specifically setup.